Album Config

Album Config

Although you can’t configure albums in Discord anymore, doing the salbumconfig command with the name of your album will give you a link straight to the album configuration page in the website as a little shortcut.

Changing your album to be what you want is quite important, there are also several features to make your album truly stand out from the rest.

Add Card

You can add any of your cards that you own to an album using the search function as show below, you can also search for several codes at a time by using a space as a separator.

Add Card

Card Position

Although you can just drag the card to where it needs to be, you can be a lot more specific by using the coordinates bar, here you can also resize the card and tilt it.

Card Position

Cards Bar

  • This bar serves the purpose of showing which cards are in the album as well as some other tools.
  • You can lock the card so that nothing can be changed about it, this is helpful to make sure you don’t accidently move it.
  • You can hide the card temporarily to get your bearings in the background or to declutter the view.
  • A hidden card will still show up in the completed album when saved. Here, you can also delete the card from the album instead of using the very small X button when the card is selected.
Cards Bar

Basic Background

  • You can easily make your own simple background for an album.
  • In the area shown below, there are several preset options, however, you can still choose your own color to display at the first few color spheres.
  • Experiment with the different types to get the background you want for your albums.
Changing to a new background will overwrite your current background.
Basic Background


Using the grid, you can visually see where you are in the cartesian plain for the album, you can also configure its color in case the default black is hard to see.



This creates a text item in the bottom right that will show your username, its color can be changed in case its too hard to see or interrupts the cards and or background, however, it can’t be moved.


Embed Color

This will create a custom color for the embed window when showing the album in Discord.

Embed Color

Custom Assets

There are an incredible of user-created assets that are available to be bought, alternatively, you can make your own.

GIF Cards will not move in an album.
Changing to a new asset will overwrite your current asset.