
Lookup gives more information about its extra and event versions.

Using this command, will give you the following information:

  • How many wishlists the character has.
  • How many 2D versions the character has. ( Including V1 )
  • How many Multi versions that character has.
  • How many Event versions the character has.
  • An image showing every 2D version the card has.

You can view every extra 2D version on its own by pressing the “Version” button.

Version Lookup

You can view every Multi version by pressing the “Multi” button. ( Work in Progress )

You can view every event 2D and 3D the character ever had by pressing the “Event” button, you need to toggle between the 2D and 3D versions.

Event Lookup


  • Command slookup
  • Alias slu
  • Usage slookup [charactername]

The character name is optional here and if not provided, the name of the last card you have grabbed will be used.

Character Lookup

You can search for any character in the game using scharlookup.

Using this command, will give you the following information:

  • How many wishlists the character has.
  • How many cards of that character were generated.
  • How many cards of that character were burned.
  • How many cards of that character were turned into its 3D version.
  • The top 5 users with the highest fan points on that character.
  • The character’s unique ID.
Character Lookup

Using the dropdown arrow you can also view the character’s various normal versions like its 2D, if it has a 3D or if it has a GIF version. This menu is also where you can buy fan points for that character.

Character Lookup Dropdown

The buttons at the bottom of the embed can be used to view the top owners of a character. This views the top 20 gens of that type.

Character Lookup Owners


  • Command scharlookup
  • Alias scl
  • Usage scharlookup [charactername]

The character name is optional here and if not provided, the name of the last card you have grabbed will be used.

Series Lookup

You can search for any series in the game using sserieslookup

Using this command, will give you the following information:

  • How many unique characters the User has collected of that series.
  • The sum of the series wishlists.
  • Every character in that series.
  • How many wishlists a character has.
  • If you have collected that character.
  • If a character has a 3D version or not.
Series Lookup

You can scroll through the pages using the buttons at the bottom of the embed, the single arrow will turn a single page while the double arrow will move to the start or the end of the menu.


  • Command sserieslookup
  • Alias ssl
  • Usage sserieslookup [seriesname]

The series name is optional here and if not provided, the series name of the last card you have grabbed will be used.


When a search shows multiple results, you can simply type the number that is next to the character or series you want in a new message. If successful, the menu that showed the multiple results will turn to that of the series or character.

Selecting Selecting
This can also be used in the Series menu.